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wmra logo hor trans march2020


World summit at the Grand-Ballon in France (second stage of W. Cup 2015)

"After Slovenia for the opening race of the WMRA World Cup last week-end in Ratitovec, the second race of the series will run at the Vosges in France.
The 35. Monté,e du Grand-Ballon is now a ",classic", of the WMRA World Cup.

This Sunday 14th June, 400-500 runners are waiting in Willer-sur-Thur and some of the best world mountain runners like Petro Mamu (Eritrea) winner of the last World cup and at the Grand-Ballon last year (he beat the records of Jonathan Wyatt and Ahmet Arslan !), Azaria Teklay (Eritrea) winner at the Grand-Ballon in 2013, Robbie Simpson (Great Britain), 2nd , at the last European championships in Gap and Andrew Douglas (Great Britain), winner last Sunday in Slovenia.
A strong race with 15 nations at the start in the men's race. "

By women, Emma Clayton and Sarah Tunstall (Great Britain) will find on their way, the Hungarian Timea Merenyi, 2nd last week in Slovenia or Iva Milesova 'Czech republic) and Adelaï,de Pantheon, 2nd of the French mountain running championships.

 ,Edited from Jean Alain Haan (LOC)