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World MR Championships 2010

"Kamnik, 25. July - In excellent weather conditions LOC tested the Championships course.
Courses were recognized as challenging, containing all elements necessary for a top level event. According to the results achieved, the following World Championships winning times could be expected:

- junior women: 22 min
- junior men: 44 min
- women: 50 min
- men 57 min

    " " Full the results are available on:

    Legend - categories:
    - Gender: M = male, Z= female,
    - Age categories: 1=U12, 2=U14, 3=U16, 4=Junior (16-19 years), 5=senior, 6-masters1 (40-50), 7-masters2 (over 50).
    - example: M3 = boys 15-16 years

    Tomo Sarf for WMRA"