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Latest News

Strategic Plan

Presented during the first WMRA virtual Congress on 28 November 2020.

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World Mountain Running Association : Strategy 2021-2024

The Vision: 

To have more people from all backgrounds positively benefiting from running in the mountains in an environmentally responsible way. 


To grow and promote running in the mountains as a core part of the athletics family while respecting and maintaining its uniqueness, benefiting from it being a simple, easily accessible entry point into the sport

Pillars – everything we do will be aligned to our delivery pillars: 

  • Enhancing the athlete experience

> World cup, World ranking, U18, masters, social media

> Working with WA to deliver the world championships and mass races

  • Education and promotion

> Social media, articles and resources on the website, proper coach education

  • Provision of technical and safety expertise to WA, other race organisers, runners

Building blocks – how we will do this: 

  • Building meaningful partnerships with International bodies, National Federations, Athletes, Media, Brands, Sponsors, Private race events, Fans and Aligned Partners
  • Making use of social media to promote, celebrate, educate and grow mountain running and mountain runners
  • Ensure we always focus on sustainability and protecting and respecting the environment

Strategies - deliverables: 

1. Grow the World Cup to become the premier annual off road running series

2. Develop the WMRA World Ranking into a global product, valued by athletes, race organisers, brands, and sponsors

3. Continue to organise an annual U18 competition and develop greater global reach to access new young talent

4. Continue to work with the World Masters Association to accelerate the current growth of the World Masters event

5. To be recognised as the best source of technical expertise for mountain running

6. Create and deliver online and face -to -face (or in-person) education products for event organisers, coaches and athletes

7. Refine and develop our social media presence across all platforms, working in partnership with WA

8. Build partnerships to generate income to ensure WMRA is able to deliver its building blocks


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Athletes Commission

The World Mountain Running Association (WMRA) Athletes Comission is managed by the  Council member John Bowden (NZL), and it is a group of current elite athletes who will help guide Mountain Running.

Taken a significant stride towards inclusive decision-making and athlete representation with the establishment of the Athletes Commission. This body aims to bridge the gap between the WMRA Council and international athletes, ensuring their perspectives, expertise, and concerns are at the forefront of discussions and decisions related to mountain running.


  • To ensure that the Council of the WMRA can benefit from the perspective and expertise of past and current international athletes in its deliberations and decision making.
  • To provide international athletes with a formal mechanism for ensuring that their views on important matters are heard by the WMRA Council


The Commission membership shall comprise of up to 12 members* elected in accordance with the criteria and election procedures.

*Due to COVID-19 and the not possibility of cellebrating elections in WMTRC 2022 in Thailand,the WMRA Council decided to accept all nominations until elections will be held on September 2025, for that reason the new selected Athletes Commission in 2023 is formed by 16 athletes. After elections in 2025, the Commision will be again reduced to 12 members.


  • At all times make decisions and provide advice based on the best interests of the discipline of mountain running 
  • To bring matters to the WMRA Council for discussion and or recommendation via the stated Council liaison person (currently John Bowden) 
  • Where requested, provide feedback and guidance on relevant matters to the WMRA Council. 
  • Proactively help provide an open two-way communication channel between the WMRA Council and international athletes. 
  • It is not envisaged that the Athletes Commission will need to physically meet, rather that it will work via electronic means. 
  • At all times, act in a manner which best represents the spirit of mountain running.


  • Election of Commission Members All athletes who have competed in a senior WMRA Championship or WMTRC short trail championship within the last 10 years can apply to be a member of the Athletes Commission
  • At least 50% of the Athletes Commission members will have competed in a senior WMRA Championship or WMTRC in the last two years.
  • No more than 2 athletes per country may serve on the Athletes Commission at any one time. 
  • Athletes will serve for a period of four years.
  • Commission members may stand for a second term if they still meet the eligibility criteria. 
  • The formal election procedures will be administered by the WMRA and will consist of election via voting at the biannual WMTRC Championships or another suitable time with as a minimum:
    • Call for applicants in advance via WMRA outlets and Member Federations 
    • Applicants to submit the EOI form which will outline their suitability for the role and their commitment to assisting the WMRA develop the sport of mountain running. 
    • Voting to be conducted at the biannual WMTRC Championships or by email/zoom etc.


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